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No crash diet and no dogmatism

No crash diet and no dogmatism

What is a change in diet good for if you don’t stick with it in the long run? Exactly – absolutely nothing. So-called short-term or crash diets may work in the short term, but you won’t gain much from them in the long run. They only aim for weight loss and less for...
Chronic health conditions? No, thanks!

Chronic health conditions? No, thanks!

You know that, don’t you? There is always something going on. For me, it was my skin and my digestive system that draw my attention to them regularly for years. I had my complexes with skin problems, particularly as a teenager – when you start wanting to show a little...
Lifestyle diseases: Welcome to our modern world!

Lifestyle diseases: Welcome to our modern world!

Everyone has probably heard of lifestyle diseases before. But what exactly are they? “Lifestyle disease” is a collective term for diseases that are associated with our lifestyle. These so-called “wealth diseases” are triggered or influenced by our modern ways of life....
Still counting calories or already eating healthy?

Still counting calories or already eating healthy?

I admit that when I was a young student I also picked products in the supermarket based on the number of calories for the slimline. Today, I don’t care about calories. First of all, I buy far fewer products that list calories at all, and secondly, when I do, I look at...
The sugar-free challenge

The sugar-free challenge

According to the Bible, Jesus was fasting for 40 days. Wow, pretty incredible, as I think! Well, my Christian family did luckily not practice fasting exactly the same way. Instead, my parents wanted us to have meat-free Fridays between Ash Wednesday and Easter. And...