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“The SECRETS of a healthy ASIAN diet” booklet for 0€!

numbers calories counting

I admit that when I was a young student I also picked products in the supermarket based on the number of calories for the slimline. Today, I don’t care about calories. First of all, I buy far fewer products that list calories at all, and secondly, when I do, I look at the ingredient list and not how many calories the product has.

“I encourage you not to look at numbers – neither calories nor the numbers on your scale.

On the one hand, I think it’s pretty unnatural to eat based on calorie information – I don’t think our ancestors used any calorie charts. As much as I think it was rather intuitive. On the other hand, calories say nothing at all about the health value of a food. In addition, counting calories can also become compulsive, controlling, and stressful.

Not only do I want to help you change the way you look at calories when doing your groceries, but also to question things you eat and do every day that you consider “normal”. Because your actions become your habits and your habits affect your life. Have the courage to change your perspective!

Symptoms of Dehydration

Symptoms of Dehydration

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to an imbalance in the body’s water and electrolyte levels. This imbalance can affect…