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Bad conscience after feasts?

Bad conscience after feasts?

You are probably familiar with the sensation after feasts. Did you eat more than usual? Have you “sinned”? And do you feel bad about it afterward? Once, we broke down with our van, which we have been traveling with for a while. Bad enough we had to spend money on the...
Do you dare to step out of your comfort zone?

Do you dare to step out of your comfort zone?

We are back in Berlin from our adventurous van trip of several months. Sometimes, you have to get out of your well-known comfort zone, to recognize what you do or use in everyday life and whether the quantities are necessary. For example, we used water much more...
Chronic health conditions? No, thanks!

Chronic health conditions? No, thanks!

You know that, don’t you? There is always something going on. For me, it was my skin and my digestive system that draw my attention to them regularly for years. I had my complexes with skin problems, particularly as a teenager – when you start wanting to show a little...