Food for Thought
 What is Constipation and What Causes it? Constipation is one of the most common digestive issues and can cause significant discomfort for many people. This condition, which results from a slow digestive system, insufficient water intake, and a low-fiber diet,...
Food for Thought
 Understanding the Symptoms of Insulin Resistance Insulin resistance is a condition where the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin, a hormone crucial for regulating blood sugar levels. This resistance can lead to elevated insulin levels and...
Food for Thought
The famous food coma – I’m sure you know that too. When I was still working as an engineer, not only was the canteen food not exactly the best in terms of taste, it was also not the best choice in terms of health, which I observed in my and my colleagues’ daily food...
Food for Thought
You know that, don’t you? There is always something going on. For me, it was my skin and my digestive system that draw my attention to them regularly for years. I had my complexes with skin problems, particularly as a teenager – when you start wanting to show a little...